Can my Dog get Kennel cough even when vaccinated? A complete guide to Kennel cough


Can my Dog get Kennel cough even when vaccinated? The Short answer is “Yes” Kennel cough can continue to affect dogs even after they have had their vaccines against the disease. We will talk about the various probable explanations for this, as well as whether or not you should be concerned about it, in the following paragraphs. Despite having had the vaccination, your dog nevertheless developed kennel cough, and we’re going to investigate the possible causes of this phenomenon and shed some light on the matter.

When people picture a coughing dog, they typically think of kennel cough as the likely cause. There is no doubt that there are a great number of causes for why dogs cough; hence, it is essential to obtain an accurate diagnosis. The vaccination is only effective against Bordetella bronchiseptica, even though kennel cough can be caused by a wide variety of pathogenic organisms (including viruses and bacteria). After obtaining vaccination against kennel cough (Bordatella), what happens to a dog that has already been infected with Bordetella bronchiseptica or has been exposed to the bacteria? Instead of working to prevent infection, the vast majority of immunizations against this bacteria work to significantly reduce symptoms and the number of bacteria shed. Therefore, your dog can get kennel cough even after it has been vaccinated against the disease.

Sometimes going to the veterinarian might feel almost as nerve-wracking as going to see your primary care physician. After your veterinarian has finished going over the list of vaccinations your dog is required to have, your dog’s general physical condition (possibly reminding you to cut back on the scraps), and your questions about your dog’s most recent behavioral quirk, it is easy to forget what she advised you regarding the Bordetella vaccine. If you want to make sure that your dog is protected against kennel cough and Bordetella when he needs it the most, here is the information that you need to know about these two diseases.

What Is Bordatella?

The Bordetella vaccine is considered a noncore vaccine, however, it is given to dogs that board frequently with other dogs or spend time in social settings. Dogs entering canine enterprises like dog daycare centers, boarding kennels, shows, dog parks, and training sessions are typically required to have proof of immunization before being admitted. The infectious bacterial agent known as Bordetella bronchiseptica is responsible for the condition known as kennel cough in dogs.

In dogs, Bordetella bronchiseptica is the pathogen responsible for inflammation of the upper respiratory system. Because of the inflammation, your dog may become susceptible to secondary infections, which could lead to coughing and vomiting. Nobody is going to tell you that your dog has Bordetella bronchiseptica, and it’s quite unlikely that anyone will. Because the majority of veterinarians and other experts on dogs refer to the ailment as “kennel cough,” there may be some confusion over the rationale behind recommending the Bordetella vaccine.

You brought your dog in for its annual checkup, during which it received all of the immunizations that were recommended for them, including the Bordetella vaccine, which protects against kennel cough. Your dog will stay in a kennel while you are gone, and he will make numerous trips to the groomer while he is there. Kennel cough vaccinations are required to bring your pet here. But despite your best efforts, your dog still has that horrible hacking cough. Possible case of kennel cough here.

What Is Kennel Cough?

The phrase “kennel cough” refers to a group of extremely contagious respiratory illnesses that can afflict both humans and animals. These infections can spread easily from animal to human. The name of the disease comes from the fact that it is most likely to be transmitted in kennels and other settings in which a large number of dogs are kept in close quarters. Kennel cough is the common name for this disease. In and of itself, kennel cough is not lethal, as stated in the Merck Veterinary Manual. In addition to causing chronic bronchitis in dogs, kennel cough can also induce pneumonia. Because of this, it is of the utmost importance, before deciding whether or not to vaccinate your dog, to determine whether or not your dog is at risk.

The condition known as kennel cough is sometimes referred to as canine infected tracheobronchitis. Your dog can contract it in any polluted environment; however, it is more likely to happen in situations where a large number of dogs congregate. Your dog can contract it in any contaminated environment. You may bring it home to him if you spend a lot of time working with dogs or participating in volunteer activities that involve dogs. The most recognizable symptom of kennel cough is the honking cough that canine patients experience as a direct result of their illness. This hack is incredibly audible and cannot be ignored in any circumstance. The sick dog may also experience a low-grade fever, a runny nose, sneezing, a loss of appetite, and lethargic behavior as other signs of canine kennel cough.

Even though kennel cough is contagious, there is a reason for optimism in that it is frequently amenable to treatment that is quite effective. Your dog may need to rest for a few weeks, receive treatment for his cough, and most likely take antibiotics to prevent any secondary infections from further exacerbating the problem. If this is the case, there is a possibility that your dog will need to take these steps. It is important to keep in mind that your veterinarian may recommend more intensive treatment options for your dog whether it is a puppy, an older dog, or if its immune system has been affected. You need to keep this in mind, therefore keep it in your thoughts. Have a conversation with the veterinarian who treats your dog or the dogs in your neighborhood to obtain some pointers on how to prevent other dogs from contracting kennel cough from an infected dog and passing it on to the rest of the pack.

Is the Bordetella Vaccine Necessary?

The kennel cough virus spreads quickly. Your dog is at risk of catching kennel cough if he frequents dog parks, boarding facilities, dog daycare, training sessions, or dog shows. It is in your dog’s best interest for his health and extracurricular activities to receive the Bordetella vaccination because many of these institutions want dogs to show proof of the immunization before they are allowed on the property. If your dog spends most of its time inside and only sometimes interacts with other dogs, ask your vet if she thinks your dog is in danger of catching kennel cough.

When Should My Dog Get a Bordetella Vaccine?

If you want the best advice on whether or not the Bordetella vaccine is necessary for your dog, you should talk to your vet. Make an appointment with your dog’s vet to discuss the appropriate time to immunize your new puppy against Bordatella.

Are There Risks Associated With the Bordetella Vaccine?

Even though vaccines are typically a reasonably risk-free medical treatment, it is necessary to weigh the important benefits of immunizations against the risks that may be posed by the procedure. On the other hand, if your dog has a compromised immune system, is unwell, or is pregnant, your veterinarian may recommend that she does not get the Bordetella vaccine. She will also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of administering the vaccine to dogs that have a previous record of reacting negatively to vaccinations. Bordetella is the causative agent most commonly associated with kennel cough in dogs; however, it is not the only factor.

Can my dog get kennel cough even when vaccinated?

Sadly, the answer is yes. You did everything in your power to make sure your dog was healthy, so the fact that this happened seems completely unfair. Your dog should make a full recovery without experiencing any discomfort from the kennel cough, which fortunately is not a life-threatening ailment. The symptoms of kennel cough are quite similar to those of a chest cold in humans. It is a respiratory infection that is caused by exposure to kennel cough bacteria, which is ubiquitous and usually found in settings where dogs are present. The kennel cough bacteria can be found in places like boarding kennels and dog parks. The ailment typically manifests itself either because the immune system of your dog is compromised or because it coexists with a virus.

The convergence of factors makes it challenging to develop an effective vaccination against the condition. This is because the bacteria is widespread and can be obtained with relative ease, as well as fact that other viruses can contribute to the start of the illness. In addition, the protective effects of the vaccine only endure for about half a year, which means that annual vaccinations do not provide adequate defense against the disease. It is also possible for the vaccination to be rendered ineffective if it was not administered or kept appropriately. Kennel cough can still arise in dogs even after they have been vaccinated against it if the dog’s immune system is already compromised or if the dog has already been exposed to the disease. The good news is that the condition will normally improve on its own, but if it becomes severe enough, some medicines can treat the cough as well as the bacterial infection.

Does my dog have kennel cough?

Kennel cough is brought on by the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica, and it can lead to respiratory disease, also known as tracheobronchitis, in your dog. In most cases, this illness is brought on by an infection caused by a virus or an impaired immune system. If the illness is only caused by viruses, then a vaccine against the bacteria that are usually associated with it will not be effective. Dogs that become infected with the disease by inhaling airborne droplets, such as those produced when another dog coughs while they are close to one another, are highly contagious. Kennels, doggie daycares, and grooming salons typically demand that their clients get their pets vaccinated against Bordetella. However, even though it has been vaccinated, your dog is still at risk of contracting the sickness for a variety of reasons, even though it has had the immunization.

Factors Causing Kennel Cough in Dogs

  • The immune system is compromised, as is frequently the case when a dog is in a strange environment, like a boarding kennel.
  • Having experienced a viral exposure just before immunization
  • Improper vaccine storage before administration
  • Improper vaccination administration
  • Vaccine effectiveness fades after six months
  • Viral contamination that impairs your dog’s immune response and makes them susceptible to the Bordetella bacterium despite vaccination
  • Respiratory sickness with a viral origin rather than the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica
  • Environmental elements that impair your dog’s immune system and irritate the airways that germs are likely to damage, such as smoke, dust, and exposure to the cold

Symptoms of Kennel cough:

  • Bronchial inflammation
  • Angry red eyes
  • Nasal dripping
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing dryly
  • Having trouble breathing
  • Fever
  • Gagging
  • Vomiting

More vulnerable are young puppies and older canines. Based on the symptoms and history of exposure, your veterinarian will determine whether your pet has kennel cough. To ascertain whether the infection is bacterial, your veterinarian may also culture the discharge from your dog.

How do I treat my dog’s kennel cough?

You can take several actions to lessen your pet’s symptoms:

  • Instead of a collar, which might cause coughing by applying pressure on the trachea, use a harness.
  • Your home’s air should be humidified; a steam shower might help.
  • Echinacea and vitamin C pills and high-protein food can help your dog’s immune system.
  • Honey might lessen coughing

How does kennel cough in dogs, people, and other animals compare?

Only dogs can contract viral kennel cough, which resembles a human respiratory illness. The bacterial form may have an impact on humans and other animals. Kennel cough symptoms include those that are comparable to bacterial or viral respiratory diseases in humans and other animals.

  • Rheumatic respiratory tract inflammation
  • Coughing
  • eye and nasal discharge
  • Fever

People can get respiratory flu vaccines, but unlike dogs, human vaccinations do not always shield against infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is kennel cough?

The majority of cases are not life-threatening but might be annoying for a few days; nevertheless, they typically go away on their own without the need for treatment. As is the case with the common cold in people, some unfortunate individuals may experience a cough that lasts throughout the day and night or one that subsides only after a significantly longer period.

How is kennel cough spread?

Anywhere that dogs are close to one other (across garden fences, in parks, boarding kennels, waiting rooms, and wards at veterinarian’s offices), kennel cough is extremely contagious and spreads readily through airborne or droplet infection. If one of your dogs has kennel cough, the disease will likely spread to the rest of your dogs as well.

What causes kennel cough and can you protect against it?

The infectious bacterial and viral contagions work together to create kennel cough. No vaccine can offer complete protection because the viruses and bacteria that cause the disease can vary from one case to the next. However, some vaccines can protect against the virus that is most commonly involved, as well as the bacteria that is most commonly involved. Because of the usual vaccinations that your veterinarian will examine once a year, many dogs may have some protection against kennel cough caused by the parainfluenza virus. There is also a vaccine that protects against Bordetella, and it is administered by placing drops in the nose. Many boarding kennels need Bordetella immunization.

Are there risks or side effects of vaccination?

After receiving the vaccination, some dogs exhibit moderate side effects such as coughing, sneezing, or discharge from the eyes or nose for a few days after the procedure. On occasion, they continue for a longer period. Any additional adverse effects are probably going to be quite uncommon.

Your dog should not receive the Bordetella vaccination if it meets any of the following criteria:

  • He is already being treated with antibiotics
  • He is already coughing or has a condition that affects their respiratory system
  • He has an established issue with the immune system, your veterinarian has a strong suspicion that this is the case, or he is currently taking medication to suppress the immune system.
  • He is having a history of experiencing severe adverse responses after receiving immunizations
  • He had, over the past two weeks, get a vaccination that was manufactured by a different pharmaceutical company
  • He is being referred to diagnose or treat a serious illness rather than for a procedure that was voluntarily chosen.

What do I do if think my dog is diagnosed with kennel cough?

This includes keeping them away from daycare facilities and boarding kennels. In most cases, this is the amount of time necessary for a dog to completely flush the virus out of its system and become immune to passing it on to new dogs.

Do I Need to Vaccinate my Dog for Kennel Cough?

The signs and symptoms of kennel cough are comparable to those of a wide variety of other respiratory illnesses. You must take your dog to the veterinarian if it is exhibiting any of these symptoms. After an accurate diagnosis has been obtained, the typical treatment for kennel cough consists of bed rest and, in certain cases, antibiotics. Please make an appointment with one of our veterinarians if you have any inquiries regarding the Bordetella vaccine or any other vaccines, or if you are worried about the health of your dog.

Measures that can be taken to protect your dog from contracting kennel cough

If you want to help lessen the risk, vaccinating your dog with the Bordetella vaccine is a good idea. Even if your dog has been vaccinated, there is still a chance that he or she will become infected with kennel cough. The virus has mutated into a great number of different strains. The Bordetella vaccination is quite comparable to the “flu shot” that people get; each year, a vaccine is created based on the strains that are thought to be the most prevalent in the population. To put it more plainly, even if your dog has been vaccinated against Bordatella, there is no assurance that he or she will not have kennel cough. The best protection one can have against infection is a robust immune system. Because of this, puppies, elderly dogs, and dogs with compromised immune systems are at a greater risk of acquiring kennel cough than other types of dogs.

Can my dog get Kennel cough even when vaccinated?

Before you bring your dog to a reputable boarding kennel or dog daycare facility, you will be required to confirm that your dog has been vaccinated against kennel cough. But even if your dog has been vaccinated against kennel cough, it is possible that they could have still contracted the illness in some other way. The answer is, sadly, yes. Our dogs have been protected against numerous different strains of kennel cough thanks to the kennel cough vaccine, but not all of them. Even if it has been vaccinated, your dog is still at risk of contracting kennel cough since other germs and viruses can cause the disease.

Why get the kennel cough vaccine if it is not effective enough?

Even while the kennel cough vaccine does not provide complete protection against all strains of the disease, it will nevertheless help protect your dog if they frequently interact with other dogs in an environment that is similar to a kennel. Therefore, it is still in your best interest to continue using those boosters.

How is the kennel cough vaccine given?

In the past, the vaccine was injected into the nostril of your dog; however, there are now vaccines that may be given orally rather than intravenously, which may be more convenient for some dogs.

After receiving a kennel cough booster, some dogs may get minor symptoms, similar to those of a human cold.

Can you describe the signs and symptoms of kennel cough?

The following is a list of the primary symptoms of kennel cough:

  • Anorexia (not eating)
  • Hacking coughing
  • Fever
  • Lethargy

The cough caused by kennel cough can be quite unpleasant and sound like the patient is trying to expel a bone from their throat. Some dogs get a fever and end up losing their appetite as a result. Rarely seen are complications of a more serious kind. However, an infection in the upper respiratory tract can spread to the lungs and cause pneumonia, which is a potentially life-threatening condition.

How infectious is kennel cough?

Kennel cough is an unpleasant condition, although it does not pose a threat to the majority of dogs. However, it is quite simple for it to be passed from one person to another. When your dog has the virus, it will shed it, and you will be able to pick it up from your clothes and shoes if your dog is sick.

What can you do to speed up your dog’s recovery from kennel cough?

  • Your dog needs to relax and be cared for to make a full recovery.
  • Ensure that they get a sufficient amount of rest.
  • If they aren’t interested in eating, you can tempt them with savory and aromatic items.
  • It may be helpful to gargle some honey with warm water to calm the cough and soothe the throat.
  • The majority of dogs will recover from kennel cough without the assistance of veterinary treatment.

How long does kennel cough last?

The symptoms of kennel cough might linger for up to a few weeks. Even though your dog may appear to be in good health overall, it may nevertheless have a cough that lasts for quite some time. You shouldn’t walk their dog when they are experiencing the initial symptoms of whatever it is they have. It will not aid in their recovery, and it may put other dogs at risk of contracting the infection. Once their symptoms have improved, you can start taking them on walks again; however, you should avoid being around other dogs for the next two to three weeks because those dogs may still be spreading the virus. A harness, as opposed to a collar, will most likely be more comfortable for them. A collar may irritate their trachea and slow down their recovery from kennel cough because it will rub against their neck and aggravate it.

What are the signs of kennel cough?

A severe cough that is frequently accompanied by a “honking” sound is the symptom that stands out the most.

  • Runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Lethargy.
  • A decrease or loss in appetite
  • A little fever.

Will kennel cough go away on its own?

What kind of medication is used to treat kennel cough? The majority of cases of kennel cough resolve on their own within three weeks and do not require any medication at all, thus it is not necessary to seek medical attention for this condition. If your dog is otherwise healthy and appears to be eating normally, you should be able to employ home treatments to make your dog feel more at ease.

How did my dog get kennel cough?

The infectious component of this canine cough is carried through the air on droplets produced by the coughing or sneezing of other canines that are located nearby. Inhalation of germs or viruses into the respiratory system of a dog can cause kennel cough, which manifests itself as an inflammation of the larynx (also known as the voice box) and trachea (windpipe)

How long does kennel cough usually last?

The majority of respiratory infections are self-limiting and characterized by a slight cough that lasts between one and two weeks. This is true even if there is a possibility that a mild respiratory infection could progress into a more serious condition.

How Frequently Does A Dog Need A Bordetella Vaccine?

Vaccination against Bordetella is administered to both young puppies and mature dogs. This vaccination protects against kennel cough, which is a common respiratory infection that affects dogs and cats. Kennel cough is a highly contagious disease that can pass quickly and readily from one dog to another. The illness is often not fatal in dogs that are at least one year old and in good health. On the other hand, it has the potential to make your dog feel ill and give them a hacking cough as well as a runny nose. On the other hand, this illness can be fatal in canine puppies, older dogs, and unwell dogs in general. Depending on the temperament of their dogs and what they can stand, dog owners have the option of administering the vaccination either by injecting it beneath the dog’s skin or by putting it up their dog’s nose. You might be curious about the frequency with which this vaccine needs to be administered if you are a new dog owner.

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