Puppy Whelping can be Dangerous

Firstly, make sure that dog mum-to-be has a comfortable, warm and safe place to be. She will need something she can happily scratch and tear at for the actual puppy whelping. Any old cloths will do, but be prepared to change them often…

Plants Poisonous to Pets

Everybody knows that pets often have a tendency for chewing or eating weird things. Cats frequently settle toward plastic or wool, and many dogs eat on whatever they can get their jaws around. Especially pets like different plants. But not…

How to keep your Cat Healthy ?

This article is for you if you are an ardent cat lover. The furry four legged creature can make life so much happier and those who have one (or more) of them as pets will certainly agree. But to love it is not enough; it is also important…

Rabbit Hutches

If you’re looking to get a pet rabbit, it’s important to buy the perfect rabbit hutch. Many pet rabbits spend most of their time in their hutches, so it’s important to make sure they are as comfortable as possible. Rabbits need a safe place…

What Exactly is Dog Training?

Everybody has heard of dog training before. We’re all familiar with the classes that dogs can go to in order to improve their behavior or obedience. But if we were quizzed, very few of us would be able to answer what goes on during these…