A guide to buy the best double hutch
You have finally chosen a rabbit to be your pet. Great! A double hutch is normally two tiered and can be used for more than one rabbit. It can also have a ladder to allow a rabbit to travel through the two levels. Now that you have decided to buy a double hutch for your rabbit, use the following buying guide before making a purchase.
Consider the size
As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to ensure your rabbit has enough space to play, stretch, hide, eat, sleep and jump. The space should include sleeping area, feeding area and litter area. Choose a hutch that is wide enough for your rabbit to stretch in any direction very easily and also have plenty of space to run around and jump. Check the length of the hutch to determine whether your rabbit can actually take at least 4 consecutive hops without folding ears against the roof.
Rabbits should not live alone and so you are going to need a hutch big enough for two bunnies, most are designed for this but just buy the biggest hutch that you can afford and have room for. It’s not possible for them to have too much space and so it’s definitely a case of the more the better, you can get hutches that have runs or other spaces attached and these are excellent options as they provide the rabbits with even more space.
So while a double hutch may have enough space for two rabbits and two storeys it is still better to buy a hutch with plenty of extra space, you also need to make sure that they have enough space to sleep snugly and so are comfortable with enough space to sleep comfortably.
Choose a secure hutch
Make sure to select a secure hutch especially if it’s an outdoor hutch. You should choose the one that is raised off the ground since it will be harder for predators to enter. It should also be made of solid roof in order to keep off the rain
Consider the height
Take the necessary measures to ensure that the shelter of your rabbit remains above the freezing temperatures. Choose a hutch that has already been raised to avoid damp and rotting. If you live in a flooded area, you should ensure sufficient accommodation of your rabbit in order to avoid health risk of your rabbit
Choose an easy to clean hutch
Regular cleaning of the rabbit hutch will make your rabbit more comfortable. Although wooden hutches are the best, it is difficult to clean them since they easily soak up the rabbit’s urine. You should consider buying wooden hutches that have a specially designed floor that is easy to clean
Check the floor
Choose a hutch that has a solid floor. This will prevent development of sores on the hind legs of your rabbit. Keep in mind that wire mesh flooring is unsuitable for rabbit bedding.