Prepping for Your Pet: The Ultimate Handbook for Adopting a Pet


There are 3.2 million animals adopted from shelters every year. They need good homes, so that means prepping for your new pet.

This can mean getting their food, a place for them to sleep, and the tools required to trim their nails and clean their ears. Without this prep, you could end up putting the animal in a stressful situation when they arrive at their new home.

Here is everything you need to know about adopting a pet.

  1. Get Food That They Are Used To First

Not all animals are going to be able to handle switching to the first brand of kibble that you pick up. Talk to the place that you’re adopting through and find out what food they’re currently on.

If you don’t, you might find yourself cleaning up after pets quite frequently.

  1. Clean Your Home Ahead of Time

One of the best pet adoption tips possible is to clean your house ahead of time. It can save them unnecessary stress when they find that they’re constantly running into objects and knocking things over.

Animals can also have allergies, so cleaning the home to eliminate as much as possible can help.

Most of these allergens will lie in the air or in the carpet. Check out this pet owners guide to carpet cleaning to see what you need to do.

  1. Determine Their Energy Levels

Whether you’re going for an older animal or one that barely hits the two-month mark, you’ll want to determine their energy levels ahead of time. Not doing so can lead to frustration for you and the animal, which makes it one of the best dog adoption tips.

If they’re hyperactive pups, you’ll want to dedicate time to play every day with them. This way they burn off energy and won’t be running around the house trying to find something to do.

  1. Have Toys and a Place To Sleep

The last thing you should do to prepare your home for adopting a pet is to make sure they have a dedicated space. This space will serve as the place they go when they feel stressed or tired and want to relax.

Toys will be good for keeping them busy but also give them a companion of sorts when they’re not around. Talk to the place that you’re adopting from to see what types of toys your new pet enjoys. It can help save the guesswork and you can ask the shelter if you can buy it from them if they already have one.

Use These Tips for Adopting a Pet To Make Your Adoption Easy

Now that your house is prepared, you can start the process of adopting a pet. Remember that your new animal is going to go through a stressful time after adoption, as they need to adjust to the home. Be patient and soon enough you’ll have an animal that you could never live without.

If you want to learn more tips about caring for pets, then be sure to check out the rest of the blog. Know someone interested in adopting? Share this article with them to get them prepared.

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