Innovative Ways to Reduce the Anxiety of Your Pet Dog


Dogs and humans share many similarities. Like people, dogs are also prone to stress and anxiety triggers. Here are some innovative ideas to help your furry companion keep their anxiety at bay.

Most people consider their dogs as a precious part of their families. It is not a strange practice because these pets are very loyal and affectionate to their masters. Dogs enjoy the time that they have with their human companions. That is why they may develop separation anxiety when their masters are away.

Like humans, anxiety is also a part of a dog’s system. Their anxiety has many triggers. It could be a new situation presented to them, loud noises, or separation from their masters. Anxious dogs manifest telltale signs. These include pacing, panting, whimpering, or howling. In some cases, dogs show aggressive behavior and even forget their potty-training skills. Here are some ways to help your pet cope with anxiety.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a trending ingredient in the wellness industry nowadays. There may be some confusion with its cousin component, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This is a psychoactive compound. Studies show that CBD has many beneficial effects. It helps in managing pain, stabilizing mood, inducing sleep, and calming anxiety.

If your pet is showing anxiety, you can try CBD pet products that come in the form of treats or drops. These supplements can help to release serotonin which will help them to calm down. As with other supplements, it is best to consult your veterinarian for the right dosage.

Be Consistent with Routine

One reason why a dog gets anxious is the inconsistency in its routine. Dogs learn to expect some activities like their walks outside. Canines do this routine either for exercise or to relieve themselves. They also look forward to their masters coming home. They are sticklers for their mealtimes. When some of these things show a degree of alteration, dogs can get stressed and anxious.

Thus, their human companion must try to stick with routines as much as possible. If time permits, you can also throw in some extra time for more exercise. Physical activities let dogs release pent-up energy. They also help release endorphin which boosts the feeling of pleasure.

Provide a Sanctuary

A dog’s anxiety may escalate in situations new for them. For example, they may feel stressed when you have a visitor that they are not familiar with. Another trigger of their anxiety is loud noises such as fireworks.

For both situations, it is best to bring them to a place in your house where they feel safe to do their thing. You can surround them with familiar sights and sounds. You can also create an area with little to no stimulation.

This will give them the chance to quiet down. In this sanctuary, they can unwind and get back to their old happy self. Never mind if your visitor would not see your dog’s new tricks. Also, your dog will appreciate it if you would not include them in watching fireworks.

Massage and Cuddle for Comfort

Most breeds of canines crave physical touch. Cuddling, petting, picking them up or stroking their fur comfort them. You do not have to do anything grand to show that you are there with them during their stressful moment. This technique works in situations like when they are about to get their shots. Sometimes, though, you do not have to wait for a stressful situation to happen. Lavishing them with lots of cuddles will help them to stay in a calm and happy mood.

A more elaborate approach to touch therapy is giving your pet a massage. Like humans, you may also find some stress points in your dog’s body. A massage will soothe their muscles and help them release their tension. You can even treat your pet to an afternoon of spa treatments.

Let Calming Coats Do the Trick

Calming coats are an innovation in the pet industry. These are wraps that work almost the same way as swaddles do to babies. They apply mild but constant pressure on the dog’s torso, helping to reduce their fear. These wraps provide a secured cocoon and the vibrations are like calming hugs.

A pet owner must make sure that they got the right size for their pets and it is properly worn. Also, calming coats are best advised for 1 to 2 hours use only.

Give Your Pet an Auditory Treat

Another similarity between humans and canines is their inclination to music. Dogs relax when they have some music as background. This technique can help during travels. Some dogs show anxiety when traveling because of unfamiliar stimuli. Music can help block noises from the road that may startle your dog. Research shows that most dogs prefer classical music. Whip out those Mozart and Beethoven and let your furry companion enjoy the notes.

Treating anxiety in dogs can help your pet have a brighter perspective. Prolonged exposure to stress and anxiety may affect their general health. Like humans, your pet’s mental health matters, too.

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