“A Review On CBD Oil for Dogs With Firework Anxiety”


With every new thing that pops up on the internet, there is so much information that one can’t be sure about. The newest pet wellness trend is CBD oil for dogs and a pet owner doesn’t know what information is good and what information is not true. I don’t have a dog, but my neighbour does, and her dog a small terrier named Rammy has terrible anxiety when it comes to fireworks going off on holidays in the neighbourhood. The anxiety is so bad it can trigger some type of seizure and her vet told her that since it so rarely happens just learn to deal with it. (My first suggestion to her was find a new vet.)

What is CBD Oil?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in hemp and cannabis. Information says it is important to note that in many cases, CBD does not contain THC which is the compound that gives any marijuana its psychoactive effects. Most CBD products are a derivative from hemp and not from marijuana.

Effect on dogs

Currently, there has been little to no formal research on how CBD affects dogs. But researchers do know that cannabinoids interrelates with the endocannabinoid receptors that are in the central nervous systems and helps keep balance in the body and in a normal healthy state. I got good information from https://holistapet.com/why-holistapet/cbd-oil-for-dogs-reviews-real-customers/.

Afflictions CBD Treats

While there’s no absolute technical data on CBD to treat dogs, there’s circumstantial evidence from dog owners signifying it can treat pain, specifically neuropathic pain, as well as helping to manage anxiety and seizures. CBD is also used for its anti-inflammatory properties, heart benefits, anti-nausea effect, appetite stimulation, impact on anxiety as well as anti-cancer benefits.

Neighbour orders a bottle

I gave my neighbour all this information and she decided to order a bottle. When the 4th of July rolled around, my neighbour gave Rammy a good dose and the dog went to sleep and didn’t even hear the fireworks. When the fireworks got really loud, Rammy did wake up but there was none of his usual anxiety – just didn’t bother him.

Unscientific study

So, this is my neighbour’s unscientific study on CBD oil and anxiety in dogs – works great with little to no side effects. And she did get a new vet who has experience with CBD oil and dogs.

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