How to Deal With an Aggressive Cat


If you see the fur of your cat spikes up, hair becoming flat and claws coming out, you can clearly understand that you have an angry cat in your home. It does not matter your cat is experiencing this occasional anger or he is angry at little things quite often. Many times taming an aggressive cat is difficult especially when you have kids at home. Here are a couple of things, which will help you calm your cat. You can also pay a visit to best cat blog to understand more about the behavior of cat.

Understand the reason

First, you need to understand the reason responsible for the aggression of your cat. Is aggression due to specific unwanted situations or due to the presence of any other pet animal in your home? Do you see the aggression when certain people are coming to your home? Aggression is generally noticed with other strange behaviors in the rescued cats. This is because they have experienced different conditions before their adoptions and this has worsened their mental state. For example if his previous owner kicks him whenever he is near his feet, then the sight of approaching feet will always scare him, and this will show in his behavior.

Another reason is when the owner of the cat neglect him, then it will show mistrust unknown man.

How to deal with it

You do not need to hold your cat in your lap rather you need to put your cat in a bathroom and close the door. Leave your cat for a couple of minutes in a locked room. This will make your cat realize the situation and this will be enough to calm the aggression of your cat. Many times the aggression in the behavior is due to unknown reasons and in that, condition a change in the environment may help.

Presence of other pets

In case your cat is showing its aggression, when he is noticing the presence of other pets in your home, you need to hold your cat and bring him in the comfort zone. Make him realize that he is an important member of the family, but the other pets will also stay there. If your cat shows any rude behavior or aggression, you need to calm down without hitting.

There are certain mental states, which are responsible for the aggravation of your pet. You need to avoid it, notice the changes in your cat’s behaviorwith the change in environment. For example if your cat is showing aggression, do not bring a new roommate in this situation. For more tips you can check best cat blog.

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